Carolyn C. Smith
Narrative Writing
The students will be able to:
1. identify a narrative paragraph.
2. recognize the parts in developing a narrative paragraph.
3. to write a narrative paragraph.
narrator, sequence
Brainstorming Questions:
1. In the story “The Three Little Pigs” what did the wolf do to get to the pigs?
2. Why did he do these things in a particular order?
3. If you were to change the order of the action in that story, what would happen?
Explain the terms above. Introduce the five parts in developing a narrative paragraph and explain each part. (Time, Place, People, What happened, and How the writer felt)
Have the students to choose one of the following topics and write a paragraph about it.
1. My most embarrassing moment
2. How I earned my summer vacation
3. How I feel about my new bike
4. My first night at a slumber party
5. Allow the students to choose their own topic.
Related Activities:
1. Have the students to identify narrative type programs seen on television and discuss them.
2. Have the students to discuss why documentaries are almost always narrative programs.
3. Have the students to choose a place anywhere in the United States and give a narrative of how they would travel to that point from their hometown. Suggest that they include at least three historical sites they could visit while traveling to their destination.