John P. Crotty
1. To use a named graph.
2. To draw an enhanced graph.
1. One thing still bothers me about our line graph. Pam had to work hard for her points. I do not feel that the line graph’s lower limit of 10 properly reflects Pam’s achievements. Let’s manually set the lower limit to 0.
Press / to bring up the Main Menu.
Select Graph.
Select Name.
Use is highlighted; press [ENTER].
Select Pam1.
Press any key to continue.
We now have Pam1 with all its settings in memory.
Select Options.
Select Scale.
Y Scale is highlighted so press [ENTER]
Select Manual.
This is another one of those choices where nothing seems to happen, but you will now have to specify an upper and lower scale limit.
Select Lower.
Press [ENTER] to accept the prompt value of zero.
Select Upper
Type 40 to show how to override a prompt value.
Press [ENTER]
Select Quit to leave the Scale Menu.
2. To view the graph
Select Quit to return to the first level of the Graph Menu.
Select View.
Press any key to continue.
3. Let’s get creative and add a data-label. The Hillhouse game was very physical. We were more concerned with beating on them then beating them. We’ll use a data-label to comment.
Select Options.
Select Data-Labels.
Select A.
Type PAMDATALABEL to use the range we created last lesson.
Press [ENTER]
Select Below.
Select Quit to leave the Data-Labels’ Menu.
4. To view the graph
Select Quit to return to the first level of the Graph Menu.
Select View.
Press any key to continue.
5. The new graph looks good; let’s save it.
Select Name.
Select Create.
Type Pam2
Press [ENTER]
6. Make sure you save the worksheet, or your new graph will not be saved.