Lesson Plan #3
Discussion will center on:
I. The “separate place” of the summer session
A. unreality of war
B. isolated setting
II. Gene’s memory of the imprint the war made on him (which will be linked to my background material)
III. Friendship, in general
IV. The differences in the friendship of Finny and Gene
A. belief/disbelief in the existence of a war
1. world view
B. beginnings of jealousy
1. subtle competition
2. jealousy
C. need for self-confrontation, self-recognition
D. realization of the complexity of friendship
Writing assignment: Write a short composition on some way you feel you are different from many of your classmates, a difference you could change if you chose to. It can be a difference you’d like to concentrate on and develop, or a difference which you’d like to rid yourself.