Calkins, Lucy McCormick.
The Art of Teaching Writing
. Portsmouth, New Hampshire: Heinemann Educational Books, Inc., 1986.
A widely-encompassing book which begins with an identification of the essentials in teaching writing and branches out. The developmental approach was most helpful, as were sections on conferencing and connections between reading and writing.
Hartley, William G.
Preparing a Personal History
. Salt Lake City: Primer Publications, 1977.
Presents a simple, practical plan, along with tested research and writing topics, for the construction of a personal history. Many topics are adaptable to classroom use with eighth-graders.
Kanin, Ruth.
Write the Story of Your Life
. New York:. Hawthorn/Dutton, 1981.
Offers a helpful discussion of the reasons people wish to record their lives, programmed and open-ended activities, and encouragement to get the project underway.
Porter, Roger J. and H.R. Wolf.
The Voice Within
. New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 1973.
A book concerned with the reading and writing of autobiography, the use of autobiography in the classroom. Autobiographical excerpts are presented, analyzed, used as models for writing.
Simons, George F.
Keeping Your Personal Journal
. New York: Paulist Press, 1978.
Concentrates on the process of journal keeping itself. The author proposes to aid and instruct individuals who’ve chosen to record their lives. There are many really fine activities, illustrations, and suggestions in this helpful book.
Thomas Frank P.
How to Write the Story of Your Life.
Cincinnati:. Writers’ Digest Books, 1984.
Written by a teacher and journalist this book offers many research/writing suggestions. The chance to review your life and gain new insights is stressed.