This unit is designed for boys and girls in the six (6) thru eight (8) grade. These students will average between the ages of 11 to 15 years of age. It will take approximately three (3) to six (6) weeks to complete this unit of instruction.
The aim of this unit is to provide information about the effects that the following hormones (testosterone, estrogen, and progesterone) have on the human body.
The objectives throughout this unit will give the students an overall view of the identity of the following hormones (testosterone, estrogen, and progesterone) and how they work
Hormones are chemical substances produced within animal or plant. All hormones in the human body are produced by endocrine, or ductless glands. The way in which these hormones work is related to their chemical structure.
Beginning at the age of about 10 to 14, young people go through a period of rapid growth and physical changes. Hormones control the development that occurs during this period, called puberty. Puberty is the period of rapid growth that marks the end of childhood and the beginning of physical and sexual maturity. In temperate climates, the age at which boys usually attain puberty is between 12 and 14 years; in girls, puberty is signaled by the beginning of the menses and occurs between the ages of 10 and 14. In warmer climates, puberty often occurs earlier, and in the Artic regions, one or two years later, However, the time of puberty varies from individual to individual.
Because of the fact that younger people today are reaching puberty at an early age, it is important that they know what is happening to their bodies.
Throughout this unit, the students will be able to develop a knowledge of understanding the responsibilities of the hormones responsible for these particular changes.
The students will study the pituitary gland. They will also study the responsibilities and functions of the anterior and posterior lobes of this particular gland
The students will then be introduced to several sex hormones of the male and female human body. The first sex hormone introduced is the study of testosterone. Provided throughout this unit is an introduction of this hormone and its effects on the male human body.
The study of the female sex hormones estrogen and progesterone will also be discussed. The students will study the effects that these two hormones have on the female human body.
Throughout this unit, I provided a diagram drawing of the male and female reproductive tract, the pituitary gland, and several other diagrams, to give the students a general overview of the identity of several organs that are affected by the three sex hormones (testosterone, estrogen, and progesterone).
This unit also consist of an outline of content, which presents the introduction of the pituitary gland, the male and female reproductive tracts, and the three sex hormones (testosterone, estrogen, and progesterone). Also included in the outline of content, I provided a list of vocabulary terms, clearly defined for the readers understanding, and a bibliography for the students nd teachers.
In order to get the students involved in the lesson being taught, I presented initiatory activities such as, making attractive bulletin boards, demonstrations, study guides, books, and filmstrips.
To develop activities in which the students will perform, I used developmental activities such as, allowing students to perform several laboratory investigations, to develop a greater knowledge of understanding the lesson. This will give the students an overall study of handson-experiment.
To help summarize the lesson, I have developed culminating activities, such as, guest speakers, demonstrations, illustrations, textbooks, or other resource materials.
To evaluate the students level of comprehension of the lesson being taught, I used several evaluation techniques, such as, essay test, multiple choice test, true and false test, and skill test.
This unit consist of a variety of behavioral objectives, which will give the teachers a general overview of the students performance level throughout the lessons being taught. These objectives are presented in three different domains. They are as follows: cognitive, affective, and psychomotor.
To begin the teaching of this unit, I provided daily lesson plans, which will clearly define the objectives for each day.
The instructional procedures used in the daily lessons ‘will consist of roll call, introduction of subject to be taught, class discussions, class assignments, homework assignments, a mention of lesson for the next day, and class dismissal.
In conclusion, this unit can be used as a basic tool of learning more about the effects that the sex hormones have on the human body. It will answer some of the questions and solve basic problems that young people today are having, in regards to physical and sexual changes in their young bodies.