Beals, Carleton. Our Yankee Heritage. New Haven: Bradley & Scoville, 1957. Historical fiction format covering early New Haven to the mid 1950s, with illustrations.
Belmont, Jeff. “East Farms . . . Fair Haven” and “Oystering Was Big Business.” New Haven Register, June 6, 1975. p.3B.
Brown, Elizabeth Mills. New Haven: A Guide to Architecture and Urban Design. New Haven and London: Yale University Press, 1976. Handy guidebook to New Haven’s neighborhoods with maps, cultural and architectural history, and illustrations.
Dudar, Walter. “In ‘Old’ New Haven, Along Grand Avenue.” New Haven Register, February 8, 1981. p. B4.
Gilbert, A.C. and McLontock, Marshall. The Man Who Lives in Paradise. New York: Rhinehart, 1954. Readable autobiography of A.C. Gilbert.
Gorman, Benjamin A. “Fair Haven History and Architecture: Past and Preservation” in “Elements of Architecture, Part II. Vol. I. New Haven: Yale-New Haven Teachers Institute, 1984. Overview of historical background and existing architecture including public structures, commercial establishments, and private residences.
Hornstein, Harold. “When Captains Came Home to Fair Haven.” The New Haven Register, February 24, 1974. 5B.
Inside New Haven Neighborhoods—A Guide to the City of New Haven. New Haven: New Haven Colony Historical Society, 1982. Describes history and activities in New Haven neighborhoods from the early 1900s until 1980.
Osterweis, Rollin G. Three Centuries of New Haven: 1638 to 1938. New Haven: Yale University Press, 1953. A solid history of New Haven centering on the Green; it contains good information on oystering, immigrants, and politics in New Haven.
Shumway, Floyd and Hegel, Richard, eds. New Haven: An Illustrated History. Woodland Hills, California: Windsor Publications, 1981. A collection of nine authors’ views of New Haven; an overview of its history and various topics are covered. Fair Haven references are limited but a larger history of the city is presented; of interest are industry and social history; beautiful illustrations.
Townsend, Doris B. Fair Haven: A Journey Through Time. New Haven: The New Haven Colony Historical Society, 1976. Good student reference with interesting Fair Haven photographs; easily read.
———. The Streets of New Haven: The Origin of Their Names. New Haven: The New Haven Colony Historical Society, 1984. An alphabetical listing by street names with explanations of origin; fun reference for students.
The Completion of Independence in New Haven: Pioneers of Culture and Industry. Derby, Connecticut: The New Haven Colony Historical Society, 1975. Concerned with the community’s cultural and scientific contributions to America during the first decades after the Revolution.