Ellfeldt, Lois.
A Primer For Choreographer
. Palo Alto, California: Mayfield Publishing Co., 1967.
This book is written for the beginning composer of dances. Covers all basic principles of choreography. Has an excellent glossary of dance and choreography terms. Speaks briefly of Social and Folk dancing in opening chapter.
Hammond, Sandra Noll.
Ballet Basics
. Palo Alto, California: Mayfield Publishing Co., 1974.
This book is a must for teachers using this unit with little dance background. It is written specifically for the beginning adult dance student. It includes a history of ballet, the format of a ballet class including detailed descriptions and diagrams of ballet exercises, an excellent vocabulary of ballet terms and many suggestions for the prevention of injuries.
Humphrey, Doris.
The Art of Making Dances
. New York: Grove Press, 1959.
An excellent book for the skills of choreography. Expounds on all elements of the unit. Especially the elements of design. Basic knowledge of dance is helpful for comfortable reading of this book.
Lockhart, Aileene.
Modern Dance
. WM. C. Brown Company Publishers, 1966.
This book is a wealth of information. Includes many diagrams of dance for structuring dance classes, improvisation ideas, music for class and a chapter on application of traditional folk patterns.