Sally B. Kaczynski
I. Physical Silhouette
1. character’s age, weight, and height
2. type of speech
3. characteristic way of walking
4. particular mannerisms or idiosyncrasies
5. nationality, section of the country
6. Ievel of vitality
II. Character Biography
1. childhood
2. educational background
3. occupation
4. hobbies
5. home-life
6. social life
7. style of dress
8. Ievel of I.Q.
III. Psychological Silhouette
1. What is the character’s environment like?
2. What is his/her self-concept? (The way he/she sees self)
3. How does the character behave under emotional stress?
4. What is the character’s outlook on life? (optimistic/pessimistic)
IV. Sensory of Physical Images
1. animal
2. flower
3. house
4. color
5. music
6. type of beverage
7. season of the year
8. odor
9. type of literature
10. furniture
11. transportation
12. household implement
V. Objectives
1. What is the character’s super objective? (overall objective)
2. What is the objective of each scene? (specific goals)
VI. Questions to ask when tackling a role....1. What are you? What do you do in life?
2. What do you want out of life?
3. What does the character do to get what he/she wants out of life?
4. What is your relationship to other characters? How do you feel toward them?
5. What do the other characters say about you? Are they truthful?
6. What are the character’s likes and dislikes?
7. What actions are implied in your lines?
8. What are your beliefs and convictions?