Francis J. Degnan
Students will select and prioritize a list of items that are of importance to them. The limitation is that they all fit into a ‘chest.’
When the Colonists first arrived many had all they owned in a chest. What would you put into such a chest? What types of things are important to you? What types of articles might have been of importance to the early settlers? Why might there be differences? Explain them!
Bring into class a cardboard collapsible box, chest size, explain that we are going to fill it. On the board or sheets of paper list the types of items they might put in. After the lists have been made ask the children to make personal lists of what they might include. You might contrast then the Pilgrims coming to this country to being on an island. What do you think they might have included? Compare this to their list.
Visit the Yale University Art Gallery’s American Collection. Ask to be shown the early chests and to have an explanation of early furniture and its development.
Bring into class a cardboard collapsible box, chest size, explain that we are going to fill it. On the board or sheets of paper list the types of items they might put in. After the lists have been made ask the children to make personal lists of what they might include. You might contrast then the Pilgrims coming to this country to being on an island. What do you think they might have included? Compare this to their list.
Visit the Yale University Art Gallery’s American Collection. Ask to be shown the early chests and to have an explanation of early furniture and its development.