This unit may be used for children in grades 5-12.
This year I intend to use my unit for children in grade 5.
Sample Lesson Plan #1
Each student will be given a research assignment pertaining to a country in West Africa.
The children will visit the library and obtain information which includes the size of the country, the culture of the people, the type of educational system, the manner of dress, the natural resources, medium of monetary exchange, forms of recreation, the average income of the employees, daily customs of town and city life.
Students would later read their reports orally in order to inform and share ideas.
FollowUp Assignments
Students will visit the Yale Art Gallery and learn of the art of their chosen country, such as the sculptures, designs, woven cloth, etc. This knowledge will lead to the appreciation of the beauty of their heritage. This should be stressed orally to the children.
Sample Lesson Plan #2
Students will read and learn about Mr. Booker T. Washington, Mr. Frederick Douglass and young Joseph Sengbe (Cinque).
Oral and silent reading should occur in the classroom with oral discussions following each chapter.
Vocabulary words and meanings taken from each chapter will be given to the students before the readings begin.
Follow Up Assignments
The main idea of each chapter and the important details will be discussed.
Sample Lesson Plan #3
Students will learn to appreciate the following: The African language, the way of dressing, the colorful materials and prints used to wrap the heads of the African women, the dances performed for various ceremonies or occasions.
The teacher will invite one or more African students from the Yale undergraduate or graduate school to visit the classroom. Items worn or displayed will be explained and discussed by the visitor. Native dances performed can be illustrated. Vocabulary words relating to the African and their meaning will be placed on the blackboard for the students to copy. This relaxed session should be most entertaining.
Follow Up Assignments
Students will draw and paint African designs, head dresses and the like. Films may be shown as they relate to life in West Africa.