Volume will be found by using the graduated cylinder and overflow can. The easiest way is to use the displacement method even though the mathematical procedure is more accurate when used in our laboratory setting. At this point it is more important to introduce new techniques and procedures than to strive for exact answers.
A good homework assignment is Lab Skill 2 in the same “Basic Skills in the Laboratory” by Charles E. Towne which helps the student understand what a meniscus is and how to read the graduated cylinder.
Continued use of the marbles for the practical application is advisable for this exercise . When using the graduated cylinder to find the volume of the marbles directly it is a good idea to put a rubber stopper in the bottom of the cylinder to prevent breakage.
As with finding the mass of marbles repeat the same procedures finding the volume of 1-3-5-7-9 marbles using the graduated cylinder and the overflow can graphing the results of volume of marbles vs number of marbles.
(figure available in print form)
Estimate the volume of 2-4-6-8-10 marbles by using the graph then measure the volumes directly and compare the results. Again the per cent error can be calculated by using the same formula as with mass.
A fun exercise is to prove the the volume of various objects such as a coffee can by using the formula V=XRXRXH. After figuring the volume mathematically, use the graduated cylinder to check the accuracy of your answer. If possible, it is best to use the vernier caliper for your measurements.