Barker, Clive.
Theatre Games
. New York: Drama Book Specialists (Publishers), 1977.
Fun guide for teachers and actors. Activities include: simple movement games, creative imagination exercises, emotion control games, and improvisation exercises, among others.
Barnfield, Gabriel.
Creative Drama in School
. New York: Hart 1960.
Excellent guide for inexperienced teachers. This book excels at presenting teaching techniques such as maintaining enthusiasm, as well as applicable improvisational techniques.
Black, Henry Campell.
Black’s Law Dictionary
. St. Paul: West Publishing, 1979.
A must for Contemporary Law teachers, this reference book contains detailed, comprehensible definitions of terms, with pronunciation.
Cohen, Robert, and John Harrop.
Creative Play Directing.
Englewood Cliffs: Prentice Hall, 1971.
Good directing guide, especially helpful for its tips concerning blocking, pacing, rehearsal improvisation and fundamental directing.
Courtney, Richard.
Dictionary of Developmental Drama.
Springfield: Charles C. Thomas Publisher, 1987.
Excellent source for terminology in educational drama, theater education, creative dramatics, children’s theater, drama therapy, and related areas.
D’Amato, Anthony A.
How To
The Law
. Dobbs Ferry: Transitional Juris Publishers, 1989.
Contains theories behind criminal penalties, with easy to understand terminology and superb examples.
Dean, Alexander and Laura Carra.
Fundamentals of Play Directing
. New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1980.
Guide helpful for creation of characters and roles, as well as acting exercises to develop enunciation, body movement, and emotional responsiveness.
Harbaugh, Joseph D., Esq., Editor-in-Chief.
Comparative Analysis of
Criminal Justice With Connecticut Law, Rules, and Practice
. State of Connecticut: American Bar Association, 1973.
Details Connecticut laws regarding functions of defense, prosecution, sentencing, trial by jury, and speedy trial.
Hodgson, John and Ernest Richards.
. New York: Grove Press, 1979.
Comprehensive guide for attaining an improvisational play from conceptualization to culmination.
Johnstone, Keith.
Impro: Improvisation in the Theater
. New York: Theatre Arts, 1979.
Highly recommended guide for theater and classroom exercises and fun.
Lease Ruth and Geraldine Brain Siks.
Creative Dramatics in Home,
School, and Community.
New York: Harper and Brothers publishers, 1952.
Rather dated guide for introducing creative dramatics to children. Good sections include techniques to maintain motivation, action planning, character and role planning and ways to keep acting fun.
Low, Peter W.
Criminal Law
. St. paul: West publishing Co., 1984.
Study guide synopsis of criminal law with concise explanations and examples.
Mermin, Samuel.
Law and the Legal System
. Boston: Little, Brown, 1973.
Basically deals with civil law, but selections to note are jury moderation and court structure.
Shuman, Samuel I. and Nobert D. West.
American Law, An
Introductory Survey of
Some Principles
. Detroit: Wayne State University Press, 1971.
Tedious tome—selections of note: criminal law and procedure, and the trial from jury selection to verdict.
Spolin, Viola.
Theater Games
for Rehearsal
. Evanston: Northwestern University Press, 1985.
Guide for rehearsing a successful production through the use of assorted and thorough theater games.
White, Bertha Rothe,
Crimes and Punishment Primer
. Dobbs Ferry: Oceana Publications, 1986.
Excellent guide for crimes against the person. A one-sitting book with thorough and enjoyable explanations of pertinent criminal law material including degrees of homicide with great examples, criminal procedure, as well as prosecution roles.