Benjamin A. Gorman
Burling, Francis P.
The Birth of the Cape Cod National
. Plymouth, Massachusetts: Leyden Press, 1979. Considers the historical background and legislative process through the passage of Public Law 87-126 in August, 1961.
Cape Cod
. National Park Service pamphlet, 1989.
Connecticut State Park and Forest Commission Report
. Connecticut, 1966.
Relates story of Connecticut’s parks; listing included with brief background information.
Foster, Charles H.W.
The Cape Cod National Seashore, A
Landmark Alliance
. Hanover: University Press of New England, 1985.
A study of resource management with emphasis on environmental and public policy issues.
Frome, Michael. “You Always Hurt the One You Love,”
, Vol. 62, No. 1-2 (January-February, 1988), 1617.
Harmon, David (ed.).
Mirror of America, Literary Encounters
with the National Parks
. Boulder, Roberts Rinehart, Inc. Publishers, 1989.
A collection of short writings concerning various parks from a literary perspective.
Hartzog Jr., George B.
Battling For the National Parks
. Mt. Kisco, N.Y., Moyer Bell Limited, 1988.
Deals with the relationship among the National Parks, the Park Service and Congress; career civil servants struggling with threats against the parks and political patronage.
Hogan, Neil. “Artist’s Dream of Sleeping Giant Tower,”
Haven Register
, October 15, 1989.
Leopold, Aldo.
A Sand County Almanac
. New York, Oxford University Press, 1987. A strong case for wilderness conservation; stresses our relationship with the land by presenting changes in the Wisconsin countryside and addresses philosophical issues including the nature of sportsmanship and the land ethic.
Miller, Jr., G. Tyler.
Living in the Environment, Concepts
Problems and Alternatives
. Belmont, California, Wadsworth Publishing Company, Inc., 1975.
Easily read textbook; chapter 10 deals with use of forest, parks, wilderness, wildlife and estuaries.
Minute Man, General Management Plan
. U.S. Department of the Interior/National Park Service, 1989.
Outlines basic management strategies, use and development of the Massachusetts park.
Minute Man
. National Park Service pamphlet, 1989.
Myers, Phyllis and Reid, Ann Christine.
State Parks in a
New Era, A Survey of Issues and Innovation
. A research paper for The Conservation Foundation. June, 1986.
Nash, Roderick.
Wilderness and the American Mind
. 3d ed. New Haven, Yale University Press, 1982.
An informative study of changing attitudes towards America’s wilderness; provides historic perspective, impact of key personalities and deals with wilderness philosophy.
National Parks for a New Generation
. A Report for The Conservation Foundation. Washington, D.C., The Conservation Foundation, 1985.
An analysis of the programs, policies and problems of the National Park Service and the National Park System.
Palm, Robert. “Ah, Nature!”
. Vol. 44 (June, 1981), 70-71.
Information regarding Connecticut’s state forests, some fun facts and descriptions of favorite parks.
“Parks Under Pressure: Three Aspects of the Problem,” Wilderness, Vol. 52, No. 185 (Summer, 1989). 17-38.
Deals with Yosemite and the problems caused by its popularity; pressure to biological resources and questions of management and economic threats.
Pine, Tillie S.
The Indians Knew
. New York, Scholastic Book Services, 1957.
Easy reading, explains some of the many things that the Indians used in daily living, with illustrations.
Runte, Alfred.
National Parks: The American Experience
. 2d ed. Lincoln, University of Nebraska Press, 1987.
Revised edition considers issues focusing on conservation and national parks; special themes include the worthless lands thesis and monumentalism.
Sachse, Nancy Davi.
Born Among the Hills, The Sleeping Giant
. Hamden, Connecticut, The Sleeping Park Association, 1982.
Brief account of the history and stories of this state park and the Park Association.
Sax, Joseph L.
Mountains Without Handrails
. Ann Arbor, The University of Michigan Press, 1980.
Presents protectionist view of park management to preserve wilderness.
Tilden, Freeman.
Interpreting Our Heritage
. 3d ed. Chapel Hill, The University of North Carolina Press, 1977.
A source book for teachers, professional park interpreters or visitors to parks, museums and historic places.
Tilden, Freeman.
The National Parks
. 3d ed. New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 1986.
A personal guidebook to individual National Parks, their values and features.
Tilden, Freeman.
The State Parks: Their Meaning in American
. New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 1962.
Personal study of hundreds of state parks relating information for tourist and researcher; divided according to U.S. regions. It reviews the state park movement, concept of recreation and management problems.
National Park Service
U. S. Department of the Interior
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North Atlantic Region
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Publication and Products Catalog
America’s National Parks
P. O. Box 47
Yorktown, VA 23690
State of Connecticut
Department of Environmental Protection
State Office Building
165 Capital Avenue
Hartford, CT 06106