American Guidance Services, Inc.
The Book Finder,
A Guide to Children’s Literature About The Needs and Problems of Youth Aged 2-15. Circle Pines, MN: American Guidance Services, Inc., 1989.
Examples of subjects indexed: Family, Death, Learning Disabilities, Separation, Abandonment. Synopsis of each book.
Carroll, Frances Laverne
Exciting, Funny. Scary. Short, Different, and Sad Books Kids Like About Animals, Science, Sports, Families. Songs, and Other Things.
Chicago: American Library Association, 1984.
Source for books on black families.
Leslie, Gerald R.
The Family in Social Context.
New York: Oxford University Press, 1982.
Background and reference on family structure and family change.
Levitan, Sar A., Richard S. Belous, and Frank Gallo.
What’s Happening to the American Family. Tensions, Hopes, Realities.
Baltimore: The Johns Hopkins University Press, 1988.
Basic reference. Includes welfare, single-parent families, women working, and other topics that may arise.
Meltzer, Hilton.
Hispanic Americans.
New York: Thomas Y. Crowell, 1982.
Basic reference. Chapter 5 called “Family Portrait,” has a story and photographs of an Hispanic American family.
Roets, Lois Schelle.
Incomplete Plays.
New Sharon, IA: Leadership Publishers, Inc., 1985.
Useful for ideas for role playing.
Piscitelli, Janice A.
Wings n’ Things. A Handbook of Creative Crafts and Activities.
West Nyack, New York: Parker Publishing Company, 1983.
Finger Puppets I, p. 127, and Hand Puppets, p. 129. The finger puppets are made of felt and easy to do.
Trelease, Jim.
The Read-Aloud Handbook.
New York: Penguin Books, 1985.
Source for-books, techniques for effective use of reading aloud.
Weissberg, Roger P., Marlene Caplan, Loisa Bennetto, and Alice Stroup Jackson.
The New Haven Social Development Program. Sixth-Grade Social Problem-Solving Module 1990-91.
New Haven: Department of Psychology, Yale University, 1990.
Winn, Marie.
Children Without Childhood.
New York: Pantheon Books, 1983.
Children get involved in sexual activity, drugs and other problem behavior at an early age. Many parents assume child will turn into a “monster” as a teen, and don’t try to influence the child’s behavior. Addresses one-parent families, divorce, and working women.