Raymond W. Brooks
The purpose of this unit will be to learn and experience various educational activities through the study of aerodynamics. By having a culminating activity using the information learned during the study of aerodynamics it will be a more meaningful and rewarding experience.
Most students do not have a background in aerodynamics and I believe a good introductory activity will be to use the “Car Builder,” a scientific simulation that lets students design, construct, refine, and test cars that they build on the computer screen. The initial design will be saved on a computer disk for refinement after completing the unit on aerodynamics.
Ask the students if they have ever thought about why objects are designed in various shapes. If so, list some of the objects they have thought about. This list will lead into the discussion of aerodynamics. We will define the term “aerodynamics” by having the students look up the meaning of “aero” and “dynamics.”
aero—air: of the air
dynamics—The science dealing with motions produced by given forces.
Before we start studying some of the scientific principles about aerodynamics, we will research some of the early contributors to the field of aerodynamics. We will have the students do a short research paper on the Wright Brothers and Samuel Langley. If possible, work with a teacher in the English Department on this project. You might also look at some units done by other teachers to get ideas about available reading materials.