Motley, Archibald, Jr.
Mending Socks
, 1924. North Carolina Museum of Art.
Old Snuff Dipper
, 1928. National Archives, Washington, D.C. (Harmon Foundation).
———. Blues, 1929. Collection of the Artist.
Parisian Street Scene
, 1929. Schomburg Collection. New York Public Library.
Johnson, William H.
Still Life
, 1921-26. Washington, D.C. National Museum of American Art.
, 1929. Washington, D.C. National Museum of American Art.
Harbor Under the Midnight Sun
, 1935-38. Washington, D.C. National Museum of American Art.
Mt. Calvary
, 1939. Washington, D.C. National Museum of American Art.
Chain Gang
, 1939-40. Washington, D.C. National Museum of American Art.
I Baptize Thee
, 1940. Washington, D.C. National Museum of American Art.
Woman Ironing
, 1941. Washington, D.C. National Museum of American Art.
Beardon, Romare.
The Prevalence of Ritual: Baptism
, 1964. Washington, D.C. Hirshhorn.
Patchwork Quilt
, 1970. New York. Metropolitan Museum of Art.
, 1976. Wadsworth Atheneum, Hartford, Connecticut.
, 1976. Collection of Mr. and Mrs. Richard Doerer, Grosse Pointe, Michigan.
Sunset Limited
, 1978. Collection of Ute and Gerhard Stebich, Plainfield, Massachusetts.
Lawrence, Jacob.
Toussaint L’Ouverture
series, 1938. No. 26 (Sword Fight). Nashville, Tennessee. Fisk University.
Migration the Negro
series, 1940-41: no. 15. Another cause was lynching, Washington, D.C. Phillips Collection.
, 1943. New York. Brooklyn Museum.
, 1960. Washington, D.C. Hirahhorn Museum.
The Studio
, 1977. New York. Brooklyn Museum.
Series, 1983. No. 7:
Boy with Kite
. Collection of the Artist.
Ringgold, Faith. U. S. Postage Stamp commemorating
The Advent of Black Power
, 1967.
Weeping Woman #2
, 1973. Yale Color. Dup. Ann Gibson.
———. Woman on the Bridge series, 1988.
Dancing on George Washington Bridge
. New York. Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum.
———. Woman on the Bridge series, 1988.
The Winner
. New York. Solomon R. Guggenhelm Museum.
———. Bitter rest Part I:
Love in the Schoolyard
. 1988. Yale Color. Dup. Ann Gibson.
———. Bitter rest Part IV:
The Letter
. 1988. Dup. Ann Gibson.
Saar, Betye.
Nine Mojo Secrets
, 1971. Collection of O. Adderley, Los Angeles.
, 1976-77. Yale Color. Exhibit Catalogue, “Rituals” Studio Museum in Harlem.
The Birds and the Beasts Were There
, 1976. Washington, D.C. Hirshhorn.
The Guardian: Water
, 1977. Yale Color. “Rituals” Studio Museum in Harlem.
Cornell, Joseph.
A Swan Lake for Tamara Toumanova
, 1946. Private collection.
Lunar Space Object
, late fifties. Collection of R. and D. Brown, New York.
Medici Slot Machine
(no date). Artist’s collection.