Tarah S. Cherry
It may be difficult for children beyond the sixth grade to comprehend the difficulties Prince Hall faced as a slave and a free man during this era.
For grades 6 and on, though, I think that this is a wonderful opportunity to acquaint students with the building of America as a whole, but then to look at what was happening to a part of America’s population who was totally at a disadvantage as to . . . .
Younger students and older students should be able to locate all of the geographic locations having to do with the life of Prince Hall.
Also, a brief discussion of what the United States’ boundaries, geographically, were might be interesting to discuss.
Depending on the grade level, I would suggest this for grades 4-12: pick out some of the Masonic philosophies and describe a person you know who practices these traits. Elaborate also on how this person has personally affected you.
Blassingame, John.
Slave Community
Clark, Phillips.
The American Revolution
. New York. Marshall Cavendish. 1988.
Clawson, Mary Ann.
Constructing Brotherhood: Class, Gender
and. . . .
U.C. Storrs, CT. 1989.
Coles, Robert.
The Political Life of Children
. Boston: Houghton Mefflin, 1986.
Comer, M.D., James P.
Maggie’s American Dream
. New York: NAL Penguin, Inc., 1988.
Costa, Arthur.
Developing Minds: A Resource Book for Teaching
and Thinking
. Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development, 1985.
Crawford, George W.
The Prince Hall Counselor
. United States of America. Prepared and published under the auspices of the Prince Hall Grand Master’s Conference. 1965.
Dumenil, Lynn.
Free Masonry and Middle-Class Realities
. U.C. Storrs, CT. 1980.
Foner, Dr., Philip S.
W.E.B. DuBois Speaks 1920-1963
. New York: Pathfinder Press, 1970.
Gutman, Herbert.
Black Family in Slavery and Freedom
Hammond, Williams E.
What Masonry Means
. Richmond, VA: Macoy Publishing and Masonic Supply, 1975.
Huggins, Nathan.
Black Odyssey
Mackey, Albert G.
Jurisprudence of Free Masonry
. Chicago, Ill. The Masonic History Co., 1962.
Meltzer, Milton.
The Black Americans
. New York. Thomas Y. Cromwell. 1984.
Norman, Diane. Prudence Crandalles School.
Cobblestone, The
History Magazine for Young People #4,
(February 1983), Pages 24-27. Introduces children (grades 5-9) to the difficulties free blacks faced in gaining an education.
Ofosu, Appiah L.H.
People in Bondage
. Minneapolis, Minn., Lerner Pub. Co., 1971.
Stein, Conrad.
The Underground Railroad.
United States Regensteiner Pub. Enterprises, Inc., 1981.
Stuckey, Sterling.
Slave Culture
Walkes, Joseph A., Jr.
Black Square and Compass
. Richmond, VA: Macoy Publishing and Masonic Supply, 1981.
Wesley, Charles H.
Prince Hall Life and Legacy
. United States of America. Library of Congress Catalog Card No.: 76-53127.