Lesson Two: Aztec Arts—Tributes to Gods and Rulers
Lesson Summary
Children will learn about different types of Aztecan art by viewing slides. They will learn the reasons Artisans selected certain styles of artwork, and for whom the Artisans were crafting their art. Finally, they will make “Aztecan Style” shields of battle.
Student Objectives
To state that the Aztecs have left behind artifacts that show that they had a great artistic heritage. To state the reasons why Aztecan Artisans chose to create certain artistic styles. To follow directions and make an “Aztecan Battle Shield.”
Time Two lessons
Before You Start
1. Read background section “The Art of the Aztecs”
2. Collect materials for making “Aztec Battle Shield”
1. Slide projector
2. Slide set “The Arts of the Aztecs”
3. Instructions for making shield and examples of variousAztecan design motifs.
4. Materials for making shield.
5. Sample of an “Aztec Shield”
l. Based on the students recollection of the lesson “The Aztec way of Life”, brainstorm and record the answers to the question “What kind of artwork did the Aztecs make?”
2. Show slide of Aztec site dig.
3. Explain that Archaeologists have discovered many types of artwork that show that the Aztecs were very talented artists. The Aztecs had many talented artists who created art that reflected the experiences and ideas that they the artists and important rulers of the time felt were important to their culture.
4. Show slides of Aztec artwork. Name the different types of artwork i.e. statue, stamp, mural, feathered headdress, battle shield, jewelry.
5. Remind students of the fact that Aztecan society was centered around the notion of religion, death, war, and rituals. Therefore, the art that was produced by Aztecs reflected that experience in a unique way.
6. Show slide of Aztec society social structure.
7. Point out the artisans in the slide and explain the importance Artisans had to Azteca society.
8. Show slide of Aztec ruler honoring his soldiers by bestowing gifts of art made by artisans to his soldiers once a year.
9. Review lesson by asking comprehension questions and reviewing slides.