Chase, Judith W., “Afro-American Art and Craft”. New York; Van Nostrand Reinhold Company, l971.
This book shows the Afro-American culture heritage as a continuous stream from prehistoric Africa to the present day.
Dover, Cedric., “American Negro Art”. New York. New York Graphic Society. (1960). “American Negro Art” is a picture book of art. It is an anthology of black artists’ total experience.
Driskell, David C., “Two Centries of Black American Art”. Los Angeles, California. Los Angeles County Museum of Art/Alfred A. Knopf, New York, l976.
This book provides a broad ranged group of works reflecting the efforts of the more significant black American artists from slave times into the mid-twentieth century.
Early, Margaret, “Taking Flight. 1983”. New York, New York. Harcourt Brace Jovanich, Inc.
This book contains biographies of various people from different ethnic backgrounds meeting challenges.
Everett, Gwen, “Lil Sis and Uncle Willie”. New York. Rizzoli International Publications, Inc., 1991.
This is based on actual events in William H. Johnson’s life.
Lippard, Lucy R., “Mixed Blessings: The New Art in A Multicultural America”. First Edition. New York; Pantheon Books, c l990.
This book concentrates on art made in the United States. It demonstrates how the cultures see themselves and others. Also, it represents the acts of claiming turf and crossing boundaries.
Locke, Alain., “The Negro In Art.”, New York. Hacker Art Books, New York, l979.
The general public knows little about the Negro’s career in the fine arts. This book provides a wealth of information.
Mosby, Dewey F., “Henry Ossawa Tanner”, Philadelphia, PA: Philadelphia Museum of Art, l991.
Exhibitions of Tanners’ art from l859-1937. This celebrates his career from the compelling naturalism of his early art as a student to visionary religious paintings of his last years.
Ringgold, Faith: “Twenty Years of Painting, Sculpture” and Performance”, l963-1983. New York, N.Y. (l44 W. 125th St., New York 10027): Studio Museum in Harlem, c1984.
This book provides forty-eight pages of paintings, sculptures and exhibitions of African-American artists from l963-1983.