The using up of the earth’s natural resources and the destruction of our world is a universal concern. This concern should be passed on to the younger generations so as to modify or change behaviors that cause this rapid use or destruction. I would like to bring young people into contact with their environment to stimulate a desire to investigate and provide them with an understanding of the methods they can use to help save our planet and make it a better place to live. Recent changes in the amount of information being circulated having to do with the environment has been staggering. Teachers can no longer depend upon easy generalizations as in the past; ideas become obsolete almost as soon as they are presented. This is especially true concerning the environment
The first objective in doing this unit is to provide very basic information on the following topics: l. Air and its importance; 2. Water, its uses and importance, and 3. Natural resources, their uses and importance.
The second objective of this unit is to provide the student with basic information on air pollution, water pollution, the depletion and conservation of our natural resources.
The third objective of this unit is to provide the student with an opportunity to observe the world around him, ask questions, make hypotheses, and solve problems through “hands-on” educational experiences.
The fourth objective of this unit is to give the student an understanding that he has a duty to save our world through his actions.