Cech, Maureen. Globalchild: Multicultural Resources for YoungChildren. New York: Addison-Wesley Publishing Company, 1991.Art, music, science and cooperative learning activities that reflect multi-cultural learning. Festivals, holidays and customs from around the world.
Epstein, Sam and Beryl. A Year of Japanese Festivals. Champaign: Garrard Publishing Company, 1974.Describes the celebrations of several Japanese festivals. Categories include festivals that honor gods, people, seasons and history.
Feinberg, H. & Whitman, R. (ed). Poem Making Poets in the Classroom. Lawrence, MA. Council of Teachers of English, 1975.A handbook of ideas for teaching poetry to children. Contains theory and practice.
Higginson, William, J. The Haiku Handbook: How to Write, Share and Teach Haiku. McGraw-Hill, 1985.A teacher resource book which explains the process of teaching haiku and other poetry. Gives examples of lessons and teaching methods from novice to expert.
Manning-Sanders, Ruth. Festivals. New York, NY. E. P.Dutton and Company, Incorporated, 1973.Illustrates festivals around the world especially the Japanese Snow Festival.
Millen, Nina. Children’s Festivals From Many Lands. New York, NY. Friendship Press, 1964.Describes folk and christian festivals on each continent. Introduces the Japanese New Year, Girls Festival, Boys Festival, Festival of the Dead and Moon Viewing.