Babcock, Dennis and Boyd, Preston.
Careers In The Theater
. Minneapolis: Lerner Publications Co., 1975. A beautiful book with colored pictures depicting what goes on behind the scenes in a theater production.
Bendick, Jeanne and Robert.
Filming Works Like This
. New York: McGraw Book Co., 1970. An easy to follow book giving the young film-maker’s insight into basic techniques of film,
Burnett, Frances Hodgson.
The Secret Garden
. Philadelphia: Running Press, 1990. A young orphan is sent to live at her uncle’s mansion in the English countryside. The story has been retold in simple language with beautiful colored pictures.
Breeden, Robert..
The Alps
. Washington, D. C.: The National Geographic Society., 1973. The reader’s given a beautiful tour of the Alpine countries with both pictures and text.
Duncan, Louis.
The Circus Comes Home
. New York: Bantam Doubleday Dell Publishing Group, Inc., 1993. A delightful children’s book paying tribute to the magic surrounding the golden age of the circus. The black and white pictures contain a lot of detail about the circus and its performers.
Gibbon, David and Smart, Ted.
. Vicenza: Crown Publishers, Inc., 1978. A beautiful picture book in color about the country of Switzerland.
Greene, Carol.
. Chicago: Children’s Press., 1982. A book about England with descriptive words and colorful pictures. The book describes the Yorkshire moor, the setting for the Secret Garden.
Hutchinson, William.
The Theatre
. New York: Maxton Publishers, Inc., 1956. The book gives a history of the theatre dating back to the fifth century B.C. Greek theatre. Detailed pictures both in color and black and white aid in giving meaning to the text.
Kubly, Herbert.
. New York: Time Inc., 1964. Pictures and text give a descriptive overview of the country of Switzerland.
Laslo, Cynthia.
A Career In The Circus
. New York: The Rosen Publishing Group, 1988. A most interesting book explaining a lot of clown techniques and the hard work of performing.
McGovern, Ann.
The Circus
. New York: Four Winds Press, 1972. An easily understood book containing information about the circus and its families.
Peters, Joan and Sutcliffe, Anna.
Making Costumes For School Plays
. Boston: Plays, Inc., 1975. A reference book for making costumes for school drama productions. It gives suggestions for period costumes —traditional, contemporary and abstract.
Spyri, Johanna.
. Kingsport: Kingsport Press, Inc., 1927. The story of Heidi, an orphan who goes to live with her crusty grandfather in the Alps.