1. Jefferson, Louise E.,
The Decorative Arts of Africa
. N.Y. Viking Press, 1973. (Excellent illustrated book on various African Arts, and other decorative Arts.)
2. Newman, Thelma R.,
Contemporary African Arts and Crafts
. N.Y. Crown Publishers, Inc., 1974. (Covers all areas of contemporary Art for the classroom, and lesson ideas.)
3. Sieber, Roy,
African Textiles and Decorative Arts
. N.Y. Museum of Modern Art, 1972. (Includes many examples of beadwork, textiles, tied and died fabrics, etc.)
4. Glover, E. Ablade, “Adinkra Svmbolism”. A Chart. Published by
The Center for Open Learning and Teaching
, 1976, Berkley, California. (Chart of Adinkra Symbols and their meanings.)
5. Harvey, Marian,
Crafts of Mexico
. N.Y. MacMillian Publishing Co., Inc.,1973. (Good sources for how to projects.)
. Sayer, Chloe,
Crafts of Mexico
. N.Y. Doubleday and Co., 1977. (Full-color illustrations of Mexican Arts.)
7. Toneyama, Kojin,
The Popular Arts of Mexico
. N.Y. Weatherhill, Inc., 1974. (Good classroom source. Shows many of the popular Arts of Mexico; amate paper, yarn paintings and many other arts.)
8. Matil, Edward L., “The Cana Mola”.
Everyday Art Spring
, 1974. Sandusky, Ohio. The American Crayon Company. (Paperback booklet with illustrations of Molas.)
9 Schuma, Jo Miles, “Art from many hand”. Massachusetts. Davis Publications, Inc., 1981. (Paperback that contains multicultural Art projects.)
10. Brommer, Gerald F.,
Art in your World
. Worcester, Massachusetts, 1977. (A good text to use in the classroom.)
11. Glubok, Shirley,
The Art of Africa
. N.Y. Haper and Row Publishers, 1965. (An introduction for students, showing a variety of Arts.)
12. Williams, Geoffrey,
African Designs from Traditional Sources
. N.Y. Dover Publishers, Inc., 1971. (Black and white prints and drawings of traditional African designs.)
13. Ash, Beryl and Anthony Dyson,
Introducing Dyeing and Printing
. N.Y. Watson Guptill, 1979. (Examples of dyeing and printing methods from Africa.
14. Kurtis, Arlene Harris.
Puerto Ricans. from Islands to Mainland
. N.Y. Julian Messner, 1969. (History of the island and its people, written for young people.)