Lucretia F. Edlow
Berkowitz, Bill.
Local Heroes
. D.C Heath and Company, Lexington Massachusetts, 1987. A study of what ever happened to the American Hero. It shows that heroism in America is alive and the real heroes are ordinary citizens of local communities.
Bates, Daisy.
The Long Shadow of Little Rock
. David McKay Co., New York 1962. The author recounts her struggles as one of the pioneers in the desegregation of the schools in Little Rock, Arkansas.
Beals, Melba.
Warriors Don’t Cry
. Pocket Books, New York, 1994. A soul searching memoir of the battle to integrate Little Rock’s Central High School.
Burt, Robert A.
Two Jewish Justices
. University of California Press, Berkeley, CA., 1988. An analysis of the contributions of Brandeis and Frankfurter to the American Justice System.
Coles, Robert.
Children of Crisis: A Study of Courage and Fear
. Little, Brown and Company, Boston, Massachusetts, 1965. Gives details from a long term study by the author of how children and others in the south handled the onset of desegregation of the schools and of their community.
Cortez, Carlos
Three Perspectives on Ethnicity in America
. Putnam Publishers, New York, 1976. A study of the ethnicity of Blacks, Chicanos and Native Americans.
Dalton, Harlon.
Racial Healing: Confronting The Fears Between Blacks and Whites
. Doubleday Publishing Group, New York, 1995. Deals with the miscommunication between Blacks and Whites.
Davies, Mark.
Malcolm X
. Silver Burdett Press Inc., New Jersey, 1990. Highlights the life, struggles and eventually the death of Malcolm X.
Dennis, Ethel R.
The Black People of America, Illustrated History
. Readers Press Inc., New Haven, CT., 1970. A study of Blacks in America from their African Roots to the present.
Estell, Kenneth, Editor.
African American Almanac
. Gale Research Inc., Detroit, Michigan, 1994.. Compilation of a comprehensive reference work regarding African Americans chronicling events through the early 90’s.
Fletcher, George P.
A Crime of Self Defense: Bernard Goetz and The Law on Trial
. University of Chicago Press, Chicago, 1988. A discussion of how the law was used in defense of Goetz, who shot two black youth in a New York subway, along with their moral and social implications presented.
Friese, Kai.
Rosa Parks: The Movement Organizes
. Simon and Schuster, Inc. Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey, 1990. A biographical sketch of Ms. Parks that focuses on how her refusal to give up a seat on a bus helped to establish the Civil Rights Movement.
Gates, Henry Louis, Jr.
Colored People
. Vintage Books, New York, 1994. Memoirs of the author’s life growing up in Mineral County, West Virginia.
Hoose, Phillip.
It’s Our World Too!
. Little, Brown and Company, Boston, MA, 1993. Inspirational stories of young people who are making a difference in America.
Masaro, Toni Marie.
Constitutional Literacy
. Duke University Press, Durham and London, 1993. Discusses arguments for and against having National curriculum standards for a multicultural nation.
Taulbert, Clifton.
When We Were Colored
. Penguin Books, New York, New York, 1990. A look at the authors life in segregated Mississippi with people who provided a caring, loving atmosphere and a sense of community.