Berkhofer, Robert F. The White Man’s Indian: Images of the American Indian from Columbus to the Present. Random House, New York, 1979.
Analyzes the stereotypes and images developed through the centuries by writers, artists, and government leaders.
Burns, Stewart. Social Movements of the 1960’s. Twayne Publishers, Boston, Massachusetts, 1990. Probes the life cycles of social movements that have altered American life using history.
Dennis, Henry C. The American Indian. Oceana Publications, Dobbs Ferry, New York, 1977. Chronological history of the North American Indians with a selection of illustrative documents, appendices, and bibliography.
Fuch, Lawrence. The American Kaleidoscope: Race, Ethnicity, and the Civic Culture. Globe Fearon, Paramus, New Jersey. 1990. Examines the people of the American culture in civic interactions by race and ethnicity.
Josephy, Alvin M. 500 Nations. Alfred A. Knopf, Incorporated, New York, New York, 1994. Illustrates the history of hundreds of Indian nations that have inhabited our continent.
Katz, Ephraim. The Film Encyclopedia. Harper Collins Publishers, New York, New York, 1994. Comprehensive encyclopedia of cinema for movie fans.
Marx, Herbert. The American Indian: A Rising Ethnic Force. Wilson Company, New York, New York, 1973. Reflects the changing attitudes both of and toward Native Americans, stressing culture.
McKissack, Patricia. The Civil Rights Movement in America from 1865 to the Present. Children’s Press, Chicago, Illinois,1987. Traces the struggle of African Americans in gaining their civil rights in America with a brief comparison of their problems to those of other minorities.
Schaefer, Richard. Racial and Ethnic Groups. Scott, F oreman, and Company, Glenview, Illinois, 1990. Gives an overview of racial and ethnic groups in the United States.