Aqueros, Jack.
Willamantic: Curbstone Press, 1992.
A collection os stories about Puerto Rican Americans.
De Varona, Frank.
Hispanics in the United States.
New Jersey: Globe Books, 1989.
A supplement about contributions of Hispanics to American history.
King, Laurie.
Hear My Voice.
New York: Addison Wesley, 1978.
A collection of multicultural essays, poems and short stories.
The Latino Experience in the United States
from Globe Publishers is a Social Studies book at the high school level which discusses the Latino background and experiences from the past to the present day.
Roche, Rico and Mano, Sandra.
American Mosaic.
New York: Houghton Mifflin,Co., 1991.
This book explores and celebrates the pluralism of American culture by bringing together essays, poems and short stories.
Santiago, Esmeraldo.
When I Was Puerto Rican.
New York: Vintage Books, 1994.
This book reflects upon the life of Santiago in New York City, where the language and rules were so different than in Puerto Rico.
Seeley, Virginia.
Latino Caribbean Literature.
New Jersey: Globe Fearon, 1997.
A delightful collection of essays, short stories, poems and novel excerpts written by people of three Latino Caribbean cultures; Puerto Rico, Cuba and Dominican. This book provides a special inside look at the special traditions, beliefs and heritages that are part of the Latino Caribbean experience.
Thomas, Piri.
Down These Mean Streets.
New York: Vintage Books, 1967.
This is the story of Piri Thomas a man of Puerto Rican and African-American heritage who lived in Spanish Harlem. He writes about his descent into drugs and crime while searching for his identity.