Who Gets to Invent and How Do Inventors Change Our Lives
Jeanne Kimberley Chandler
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Altman, Susan,
Extraordinary Black Americans From Colonial to Contemporary Times
, Children’s Press, Chicago, 1989, 240 pages. This book includes brief biographies of African American inventors, including Benjamin Banneker, George Washington Carver, Lewis Howard Latimer, Jan Ernst Matzeliger, Garrett A. Morgan, Norbert Rillieux, Lewis Temple, Madame C.J. Walker, Granville T. Woods, and Elijah McCoy.
Bundles, A’Lelia Perry,
Madame CJ Walker, Entrepreneur
, Chelsea House Publishers, New York, 1991, 111 pages. Well-written children’s biography with excellent historical background to Sarah Breedlove’s life.
Caney, Steven,
Invention Book
, Workman Publishing Company Inc., New York, 1985, 207 pages
Chang, Heid,
Elaine and the Flying Frog,
Crown Publishers, Random House Inc., 1988. Fiction story of girl who invents new ways to solve problems.
Davidson, Margaret, Louis
Braille: the Boy Who Invented Books for the Blind
, Scholastic Inc., New York, 1976 (with Banners Inventions Etc., Scholastic unit) Biography of Louise Braille that illustrates the challenges he faced and how he overcame them.
Drew, David,
Alone in the Desert: The Science of Survival, The Cat on the chimney: Solving Problems with technology, Toy Designer: Technology and Energy, What should I used?: The technology of simple machines
, Rigby Realization Technology, Rigby Heinemann, Illinois, 1992 This series of books put published by Rigby are excellent classroom resources because they have excellent science information and come as a Big Book and four small books for classroom use.
Duffey, Betsy,
The Gadget War
, Penguin Books, New York, 1991, 74 pages (see Lesson 3)
Endacott, Geoff,
Discovery and Inventions
, Viking Penguin, New York, 1991
Fleisher, Paul, and Patricia A. Keeler, Looking Inside: Machines and Constructions, Atheneum Publishers, Macmillan Publishing Company, 1990. (with Banners Inventions Etc., Scholastic unit). Nonfiction book that looks inside of machines, like the escalator and door locks.
Gardner, Robert,
Science Projects About Electricity and Magnets
, Enslow Publishers, New Jersey, 1994, 128 pages. Hands-on experiments geared for science projects or fairs. Excellent motivation for children who want to create their own inventions.
Greene, Carol,
George Washington Carver, Scientist and Teacher
, Children’s Press, Chicago, 1992, 46 pages. Easy to read and informative biography.
Guthridge, Sue,
Thomas A. Edison, Young Inventor,
Aladdin Books, New York, 1947, 192 pages. Chapter book of American inventor of over 1,100 inventions, including the phonograph.
Haber, Louis,
Black Pioneers of Science and Invention
, Harcourt Brace and Company, Orlando, 1970, 264 pages
Hammontree, Marie,
Albert Einstein, Young Thinker
, Aladdin Paperbacks, New York, 1961. Detailed chapter book on the scientist’s life.
Jackson, Garnet, Nelson,
Benjamin Banneker, Scientist Elijah McCoy, Inventor Garrett Morgan, Inventor
, Modern Curriculum Press, 1993. These three short, but well-written books are for early readers (26-27 pages).
Jeffrey, Laura,
American Inventors of the 20th Century
, Enslow Publishers, New Jersey, 1996. Includes 10 inventors whose names may be unknown, but whose inventions are well known, such as the television, VCR, microchips lasers and the super soaker water gun and more.
Kalman, Bobbie,
Historic Communities: Tools and Gadgets
, Crabtree Publishing Company, 1992 (with Banners Inventions, Etc., Scholastic unit). Nonfiction book that depicts early inventions. Great book to open up discussion of the differences in the ways children lived in Colonial Times and present time.
Karnes, Frances A., and Suzanne M. Bean,
Girls and Young Women Inventing, Twenty True Stories About Inventors plus How You Can Be One Yourself,
Free Spirit Publishing, Minneapolis, 1995, 168 pages. Wonderful book to inspire young children to become inventors!
Lepseky, Ibi,
Albert Einstein
, Barrons, Hong Kong, 1982. Easy reader picture book.
McKissack, Patricia and Fred,
Madame C.J. Walker, Self-Made Millionaire
, Enslow Publishers Inc., New Jersey, 1992, 32 pages. Easy reader biography.
Mitchell, Barbara,
The Wizard of Sound, A Story about Thomas Edison
, Carolrhoda Books Inc., Minneapolis, 1991
Moore, Eva,
The Story of George Washington Carver
, Scholastic Inc., New York, 1971
Pinkney, Andrea Davis,
Dear Benjamin Banneker,
Harcourt Brace & Company, Orlando, 1994. Excellent children’s book with detailed illustrations. This story includes excerpts from Banneker’s letter to Jefferson.
Santrey, Lawrence,
Young Albert Einstein
, Troll Associates, 1990. Excellent facts on his early childhood and early years.
Stanley, Diane,
Leonardo da Vinci
., Morrow Publishers, New York, 1996. Biography of the many talented man’s life, this book shows students the many different accomplishments.
Swanson, Gloria M.,
Margaret V. Ott, I’ve Got an Idea!, the Story of Frederick McKinley Jones
, Runestone Press, Minneapolis, 1994. Biography of African-American engineer and inventor. Clear depiction of discrimination he faced.
Taylor, Theodore,
The Bomb
, Avon Books, New York, 1995 (see Lesson 3)
Toby, Marlene,
Madame C.J. Walker, Pioneer and Business Women
, Children’s Press, New York, 1995. Biography of the creator of black hair products and the first black female millionaire.
Towle, Wendy,
The Real McCoy, the Life of and African-American Inventor
, Scholastic Inc., New York, 1993. Picture book with good historical information.
Turvey, Peter,
Timelines Inventions, Inventors & Ingenious Ideas
, Franklin Watts, New York, 1992, 48 pages.
West, David,
53 ½ Things That Changed The World And Some That Didn’t Work
, Millbrook Press, Brookfield, Connecticut, 1992, 62 pages
Williams, Jay,
Raymond Abrashkin, Danny Dunn and the Homework Machine,
McGraw-Hill, 1958. Fiction story of Danny who invents a homework machine to take care of his homework problems and what happens when his mom and teacher find out. Interesting to look at the differences in the computers of the 1950’s and present day technology. (with Banners Inventions Etc., Scholastic unit)
Wilkinson, Philip and Jacqueline Dineen,
The Early Inventors, Ideas That Changed the World
, Chelsea House Publishers, New York, 1991
Wulffson, Don L.,
The Kid Who Invented the Popsicle and Other Surprising Stories About Inventions
, Cobblehill Books, Dutton, New York, 1997, 114 pages.