Caisson, Eric & McMillan, Steve. ASTRONOMY: A BEGINNER'S GUIDE TO THE UNIVERSE 2ND EDITION. 1995: Prentice-Hall Inc. NJ.
An astronomy text book for beginning astronomy students on the college level.
Friedlander, Michael W. ASTRONOMY FROM STONEHENGE TO QUASARS. 1985: Prentice-Hall Inc. NJ.
An astronomy textbook on the college level.
Sagan, Carl. COSMOS. 1980: RANDOM HOUSE. NY.
A common astronomy handbook for adults.
Branley, Franklyn M. THE SKY IS FULL OF STARS. 1981. HarperCollins Pub. NY.
A children's book that takes a close look at the night sky and the similarities and differences between stars. It also discusses constellations.
Branley, Franklyn M. IS THERE LIFE IN OUTER SPACE? 1984. HarperCollins Pub. NY.
A children's book that discusses the scientific possibility of other
life in space.
Branley, Franklyn M. WHAT IS THE MOON LIKE? 1986. HarperCollins Pub. NY.
A children's book that takes a close look at the moon and the
moon walks.
Branley, Franklyn M. THE MOON SEEMS TO CHANGE. 1987. HarperCollins Pub. NY.
A children's book that discusses the phases of the moon.
Branley, Franklyn M. THE SUN: OUR NEAREST STAR. 1988. HarperCollins Pub. NY.
A children's book that discusses the properties of the sun.
Branley, Franklyn M. THE BIG DIPPER. 1991. HarperCollins Pub. NY.
A children's book that discusses constellations.
Coats, Laura Jane. MARCELLA AND THE MOON. 1986. Macmillan Pub. Co. NY.
A delightful children's story about a duck that paints pictures of the phases of the moon.
Coco, Eugene Bradley. GLOW IN THE DARK STARS, MOON, AND CLOUDS. 1990. A Golden Book Western Pub. NY.
A children's story that discusses the night sky.
Cole, Joanna. THE MAGIC SCHOOL BUS LOST IN THE SOLAR SYSTEM. 1990. Scholastic Inc. NY.
A children's story about an amazing field trip to our solar system.
Cole, Joanna. THE MAGIC SCHOOL BUS OUT OF THIS WORLD. 1996. Scholastic Inc. NY
A children's story that continues the field trip to outer space and
includes other objects in space such as asteroids.
Dickinson, Terence. EXPLORING THE SKY BY DAY. 1998. Firefly Books Ltd.
A children's reference book to weather and atmosphere.
Dickinson, Terence. EXPLORING THE NIGHT SKY. 1998. Firefly Books Ltd.
A children's reference book for astronomy.
Dickinson, Terence. OTHER WORLDS. 1995. Firefly Books Ltd.
A children's reference book for planets and moons.
Hanson, Rosanna. MY FIRST BOOK ABOUT SPACE: Developed in Conjunction with NASA. 1985. Simon & Schuster, NY.
A wonderful first book about space with amazing photographs.
Lippincott, Kristen. EYEWITNESS SCIENCE: ASTRONOMY. 1994. DK Pub. Inc. NY
Another wonderful science book with great photos.
Video: I Want to Be an Astronaut
Chronicles the training needed to become an astronaut.
Video: The Magic School Bus Out of This World
Chronicles a class field trip to the solar system.
Computer Program: The Magic School Bus Lost in The Solar System
An interactive children's computer program that explores the solar system.