Venus is brighter than any other planet or star except the Sun. As viewed from earth, Venus like Mercury and the moon goes through phases. When we see it completely round, it is at full phase. When it is in it's crescent phase, it is at it's closest point to the earth 25x10 miles. When it is in it's full phase it is 160x10 miles away from the earth. Therefore, because of it's increased distance it appears to be 1/6 of it's crescent view.
Venus rotates once every 243 earth days. It's revolution is 225 earth days. This means that a day is longer than a year on Venus! The rotation also in the reverse direction of earth! Which means the Sun rises in the west and sets in the east on Venus.
The real weather on Venus begins in it's cloud layers about 20 miles high. In comparison that's like having weather in our stratospheres where no clouds or weather exists at all.
Venus is the hottest planet. It's atmosphere is 96% carbon dioxide, a greenhouse house gas which holds in heat. A fact that may explain why Venus water, thought to be originally to be equal to that of the earth, boiled off.