Hare, W. P.(1996) A New Look At Poverty in America. This report explodes many common myths about America's nearly 40 million poor: who they are how they differ from other Americans, how long they stay poor, and how dependent they are on welfare.
Falkenmark M. And Widstrand, C. (1992) Population and Water sources: A Delicate Balance. While the world's fresh water supply is limited, human need for water continues to increase due to rapid population growth and expansion of irrigation and industry.
Bender, W. and Smith, M. (1997) Population, Food and Nutrition. The world produces enough food for produce enough to feed future generations? This bulletin explores the factors that determine both the demand for and supply of food worldwide. The author also investigate ways to increase yields and discuss constrains on production.
Teacher's Resource List
Crews, K. and Pollard, K. (1998) United States Population Data Sheet. This wall chart is a state-by-state rundown of population size, density, and other demo-graphic indicators. It also highlights the impact of population on the environment by presenting information for all states and the District of Columbia on energy con-sumption, solid waste per capita, wetlands loss, endangered animal and plant spe-cies, land under environmental protection, and toxic air pollutants released per cap-ita.
Wolfgang, L. (1994) The Future of World Population. Population can follow many scenarios as we head into the 21st century. This report looks at possible trends in future fertility, mortality, and migration in major world regions.
Zero Population Growth (ZPG) Selected Resources on Population. This comprehensive bibliography of information sources related to population and the environment includes books, bulletins, software, films and teaching materials.
Student Reading List
ZPG, Popular Planet Press. This children's newsletter includes articles, fun facts, games and "tales from the people planet" to show kids the links between population growth and our environment. Published three times each year, popular Planet Press welcome submissions from children. #PPP Free.
Speakers and Other Resources
YNHTI Curriculum Units on "The Population Explosion" (1998).
Units and author's name will be on the "Web " in the Fall of 1998.