1. Bender, David L.,
Immigration, Opposing Viewpoints
: Greenhaven Press, Inc. California, 1998. This book deals with opposing views on immigration in America.
2. Bentley, Judith,
American Immigration Today
: Julian Messner Publisher, New York, 1981. This book gives information on immigration today in America.
3. Brooks, Barbara, & Lind Arthur S.,
Problems in American History
: Prentice-Hall, Inc., Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey, 1957. This work explores problems on immigration.
4. Caroli, Betty Boyd and Kenneth, Thomas,
Today's Immigrants, Their Stories
: Oxford University Press, New York, 1982. These are stories about people who immigrated to the United States.
5. Clarke, John,
Marcus Garvey and the Vision of Africa
: Random House, New York, 1974. This book is about the life and work of Marcus Garvey.
6. Coppa, Frank J., Curran, Thomas J.
The Immigration Experience in America
: Twayne Publishers, Boston, 1973. This work is based on personal experiences.
7. Cronon, David,
Black Moses: The Story of Marcus and the Universal Negro Improvement Association
: Wisconsin Press, Wisconsin, 1969. This book entails the work of Marcus Garvey.
8. Feldstein, Stanley,
The Land That I Show You
: Anchor Press/Doubleday, New York, 1978. This book deals with the Jewish people in America.
9. Glazer, Nathan & Moynihan, Daniel,
Beyond the Melting Pot
: The MIT Press Cambridge, Massachusetts, 1970. This book is about the people who came to America.
10. Isbister, John,
The Immigration Debate Remaking America
: Kumarian Press, West Hartford, Connecticut, 1996. The book is about the backlash of opposition for reasons that are both economically cultural.
11. Jensen, Malcolm C.,
American In Time
: Houghton Mifflin Company, Boston, 1977. This book traces the history of America.
12. Jones, Maldwyn Allen,
American Immigration
" University of Chicago Press, 1960. This is the story of how the gathering of immigrants from several nations became unified into a new nation.
13. Kennedy, John F.,
A Nation of Immigrants
: Harper & Row Publishers, New York, 1964. In this book President Kennedy tells what immigrants have done for American and what America has done for its immigrants.
14. Leonard, Richard W., and Link, Arthur S.,
Problems in American History
: Prentice-Hall, Inc., Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey, 1957. This work deals with problems of immigration.