Abulhosn, Rajy S. et al (1997) "Passive smoke exposure impairs recovery after hospitalization for acute asthma"
Arch Ped. Adolesc Med
151: 135-139. Explores the effects of children recovering in smoking and non-smoking environments.
Adams, G. R. et al (1994)
Adolescent Life Experiences
, 3rd ed., Brooks/Cole Publ. Co., Pacific Grove, CA. A rather good psychology text on adolescents. It explains a great deal about behavior and agression.
Aligne, Andrew (1998) "Children and asthma" Pediatric Academic Society Meeting. http://www.marathonmultimedia.com/abstracts/aps-spr-apa/. A report given at a conference. Among the important findings - it is the environment of the child that determines the incidents of asthma, not genetics or poverty.
Am. Thoracic Society Symposium (1996) "Meeting the challenge of reducing asthma morbidity in the inner cities" http:/www.thoracic.org/mon4.html . A discussion of the increase of asthma in the black community in the inner city. A brief but good paper.
Associated Press (1997) "Asthma's rise due to fewer infections, study says" http://www.geocities.net/Athens/Academy/8310/infect.html. Reports on the apparent reasons for the increase in asthma frequency in the U.S.A.
Bethea, Louise H. (1998) "Our polluted environment and asthma" http://allergyasthma.com/archives/asthma18.html . Questions + Answers about asthma and the environment.
Boushey, Homer A. and John V. Fahy, 1995 "Basic mechanisms of asthma"
Envir. Health Perspectives
, Vol 103 (Supplement 6): 229-233. An excellent paper that explains the technical side of asthma, including cellular and tissue reactions. This paper forms the basis for a deep understanding of what occurs in an asthma attack.
Carr, R. E. et al (1992) "Panic symptoms in asthma and panic disorder: a preliminary test of the dyspnea-fear theory"
Behav Res Ther
30: 251-261. A good paper on the psychological problems associated with asthma.
Eggieston, Peyton A. et al , 1998 "Medications used by children with asthma living in the inner city"
Vol 101: 349-354. A study of asthmatic children in Baltimore and D.C. It explores just how children are medicated and how many are in charge of their own medication.
Etzel, Ruth A., 1995 "Indoor air pollution and childhood asthma: effective environmental interventions."
Envir. Health Perspectives
, Vol 103, (Supplement 6): 55-58 . A good discussion of the indoor aspects of asthma, including the fact that many inner city children are not getting proper councelling on steps to be taken at home.
Gergen, Peter J. et al , 1998 "The burden of environmental tobacco smoke exposure on the respiratory health of children 2 months through 5 years of age in the United States."
Vol 101 #2 Feb., pg. e8. This study leaves no doubt as to the effects of tobacco smoke on children, and the effects of smoking during pregnancy. I considered it one of my most important sources.
Glaxo Continuing Education (1994)
Asthma Management: Considerations for Inhaled, Long-Acting ß2-Agonists
. SPC Communications, Inc. Allen & Hansbury, Research Triangle Park, NC. A manual for physicians. It did not give me the information that I wanted.
Healthbeat (1998) "Asthma's Dirty Secret" http://www.kron.com/nc4/healthbeat/stories/dirty.html. A news article on possible reasons that the asthma rate is rising so fast.
JAMA, 1997, "New approaches to treating asthma" Asthma Information Center Web Site. http://www.ama-assn.org/special/ asthma/support /educate/ warning.htm. Basic information on modern treatment methods.
JAMA, 1997a, "Asthma severity" Asthma Information Center Web Site. http://www.ama-assn.org/special/ asthma/support /educate/avoid.htm. A scheme of classification for degrees of severity of asthma.
Kaleidoscope News & Features (1998) "Asthma on the rise" http://www.ktv-i.com/news/nn04_30_98.html. Another news article on possible reasons that the asthma rate is rising so fast.
Kovesi, Tom, 1996 "Asthma triggers: Allergens and irritants" Children's Hospital of Eastern Ontario http://www.cheo.on.ca/asthma/webdoc 2.html. A good article on triggers, simply explained.
Kovesi, Tom, 1996a "Asthma triggers: Irritants" Children's Hospital of Eastern Ontario http://www.cheo.on.ca/asthma/irritant.html. A continuation of the above article. Again, very good.
Kronemyer, Bob (1997) "Rise in pediatric asthma linked to range of causes" at http://www.slackinc.com/child/idc/197701/asthma.htm . Another news article on possible reasons that the asthma rate is rising so fast.
Kupstas Soo, Eileen et al, (1999) "Allergy and Asthma FAQ" at www.cs.unc.edu/~kupstas/FAQ.html. Basic discussion of asthma and allergies, written for the general public. It contains much information on allergies, and is rather good.
Laino, Charles (1999) "Asthma rise: environment to blame?" MSNBC http://www.msnbc.com/news/164046.asp. Another news article on possible reasons that the asthma rate is rising so fast.
Lehrer Paul M. et al (1993) "Asthma and Emotion: A Review"
J Asthma
Vol 30: 5-21. A very detailed paper on the psychological problems associated with asthma. It discusses a number of studies, and is an excellent source of information.
McCowan, C. et al , 1998 "Effect of asthma and its treatment on growth: four year follow up of cohort of children from general practices in Tayside, Scotland."
Vol 316: 668-672. A good study on Scottish asthmatic children. Indicated that there is some degree of growth slow-down.
National Asthma Education Program (1991)
Guidelines for the Diagnosis and Management of Asthma
. NIH, Bethesda, MD. A manual for physicians. It did not give me the information that I wanted.
National Asthma Education Program (1992)
Teach Your Patients About Asthma: A Clinician's Guide
. NIH, Bethesda, MD. A manual for physicians. It did not give me the information that I wanted.
Platts-Mills, T. A. E. and M. C. Carter (1997) "Asthma and Indoor Exposure to Allergens"
New England Journal of Medicine
Vol 336:1356-1363. A very good paper on the inner city and the increase in asthma.
Rosenstreich et al (1997) "The Role of Cockroach Allergy and Exposure to Cockroach Allergen in Causing Morbidity among Inner-City Children with Asthma"
New England Journal of Medicine
Vol 336:1356-1363. A good paper linking cockroaches, inner city and poverty.
Yahoo! News (1999) "Environmental changes may spur asthma rise" http://www.calnurse.org/cna/news/yahoo12799html. Another news article on possible reasons that the asthma rate is rising so fast.
Yellowlees, Peter M. et al (1987) "Psychiatric morbidity in patients with chronic airflow obstruction"
Med J Aus
Vol 146: 305-307. Another very detailed paper on the psychological problems associated with asthma. It discusses a number of studies, and is an excellent source of information.