Unit Objectives
It is the purpose of this unit:
To teach my students about an important culture that exists both outside and inside the United States but that is often invisible or devalued.
To read the students picture books of excellent literary quality that they might not otherwise hear.
To give them the opportunity to write about their reactions to these stories so that they reinforce their understanding of them while also reinforcing reading skills.
To use these stories as a starting point for their own narrative. This is important preparation for the narrative they will be expected to write as part of the CMT when they begin Fourth Grade.
Further, to use these stories to encourage them to write about their own lives, families, and experiences of diversity, thus also making them conscious of autobiography as a genre.
To use short passages from more sophisticated texts to teach strategies for reading and writing. Basic to this process is the exposure the students will have to language that is not sufficiently available to them at home or in classrooms where the curriculum has been designed to improve basic skills.
Learning Objectives
After finishing the unit, the student will be able to:
Find the Caribbean, the Antilles, and Puerto Rico on a globe or world map.
Serve as a tour guide to describe the various regions of the island of Puerto Rico.
Use at least 10 Spanish words in a context that clarifies their meaning.
Explain when and how you might eat at least 5 different kinds of Puerto Rican food.
Explain some aspect of the celebration of Carnival.
Define culture and give at least three examples of it from this unit.
Compare Puerto Rican country life and life in the city.
Explain the many feelings Puerto Ricans have about their two homes. Students may use the term diaspora if they are comfortable with it.
Explain several ways in which Puerto Rico is an important island to study and, further, explain how
la isla
might become
nuestra isla
Provide sensory information about a text without illustrations through the process of inferring and visualization.
Read at least one edited piece of her or his own writing about this unit in front of the class and invited guests at the Travelers’ Tea.