Objective: Get students to think about the depth of the problem of racial profiling.
Articles: New York Times, “Racial ‘Profiling” at Crux of Inquiry Into Shooting by Troopers,” Friday, May 8, 1998: p.B1
Daily News (New York). “The New ‘Profile’ of Police Excess.” October 2, 1997: p.43.
Essence, “Our Sons Under Siege,” November, 1999, pp. 139-215.
New York Times, “Agent Mistakes Candy Bar For Gun and shoots Youth” Saturday, November 8, 1997 p. B3
Emerge, “Traffic Violation: Racial Profiling is a Reality for Black Drivers.” June, 1999: pp. 42-48.
Supplies: Camcorder, VHS tape, pencil, paper.
Have the students select one of the articles above. Each student should choose three partners. Working with that partner, look up as much as you can about the case. See if the reporters talked to any eyewitnesses, parents, siblings, etc.
Each member of the group should decide which characters in the story they need more information on. Take students to your multi-media center, or computer lab (with internet capabilities). Have students look up additional information and up dates on the case.
Each group will be putting together a documentary to cover one of the events, form the article.
Solicit from the students how they see privacy rights being challenged in these cases.
Each group needs to discuss how they want their documentary done
Film your documentaries .
Critique your documentary.
Democracy, Race, and Privacy: The Hypocritical Failures of the United States