When news of a genetically engineered mouse with Down Syndrome (who died some time later) and the cloned sheep, Dolly hit the media, many wondered how these things were possible. Many undoubtedly thought them hoaxes or scientific experiments gone wrong. How many of us, outside of the scientific community had a clue that the next quest would involve the idea of cloning a human being or genetically engineering a better human, once the technology became available?
Much of the technology is now available and with it comes a host of moral and ethical concerns. Is man playing God? Will clones become a subculture? Are we risking genetic disasters? Will this technology benefit all of society or just a select few? Cloned humans and genetically engineered bodies are the stuff that yesterday’s science fiction was made of. Today, they are current event topics and promise to become our medical future. We may not be morally prepared for these events, but the technology is here. Do we ignore it, try to regulate it, hope and pray that it goes away or do we embrace this new technology?