Students will develop abilities necessary to distinguish between naturally occurring objects and those of human design, and they will develop understanding of the roles of science and technology in contemporary society.
Students will develop understanding of technological designs, which solve problems and improve the quality of life.
Objective: Student will discuss, write and implement the proposed new design or procedure for the improvement or demand a higher quality of life for all.
1 Arras, John, D. and Steinbock, Bonnie. Ethical Issues in Modern Medicine.
Mountain View. Calif: Mayfield Pub. Co., 5th ed. p. 6
2 Ibid., p.8
3 Ibid, P. 9
4 Ibid., p.25
5 LaPuma, J., M.D., “Ethics Catches Up to Law: What Is Most Fair for All ?”
Managed Care, Stezzi Communications, 1996
6 Ibid., p. 2
7 Arras, John D. and Steinbock, Bonnie, Ethical Issues in Modern Medicine,
Mountain, Calif: Mayfield Pub. Co., 5th ed. p. 624.
8 Science Museum of Virginia, Bioethics 2000 Primers, “Organ, Tissue Donation and
Transplantation, 1998, pp.3-4
9 Arras, John. D. and Steinbock, Bonnie. Ethical Issues in Modern Medicine,
Mountain, Calif: Mayfield Pub. Co., 5th ed. p. 623.
Fleck, Leon M., “ Just Caring: Managed Care and Protease Inhibitors” Ethical
Issues in Modern Medicine, Mountain Calif: Mayfield Publishing Co., 5th ed.,
1999. p. 684.
11 Ibid, p. 680.
12 Ibid, p. 681.
13 Fleck, Leon M., “ Just Caring: Managed Care and Protease Inhibitors”, Ethical
Issues in Modern Medicine, Mountain Calif: Mayfield Publishing Co., 5th ed.,
1999. p. 680.
14 Ibid, p.681
15 Ibid, p. 681
16 Ibid, p. 682
17 Ibid, p.682
Ibid, p.982
19 Ibid, p.684
20 Ibid, p.685
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