MacDonald, Nancy.
"The Graffiti Subculture: Youth, Masculinity and Identity in London and New York
. Palgrave, 1990. (Book that explores the contribution and understanding of the graffiti subcultures of today.)
Frankel, Ken.
"Off the Wall: The Best Graffiti of the Walls of America."
Long Street Press, 1986. (The book is about the funniest places that graffiti can be discovered.)
Castelman, Craig.
"Getting Up; Subway Graffiti in New York."
(An deep examination into the art of graffiti. Mostly explains subway graffiti in NYC in the seventies.)
Walsh, Michael.
., 1996. (A highly illustrated book that probes the issues of graffiti in American cities. This book has 108 photo illustrations.)
Edelson, Bob.
"New American Street Art."
Mass Market Paperback. 1999. (Full color pages of the most diverse street art produced in the last 10 years of 20th century.)
Lambright, Lynn.
Bright Lamb Publications. 1997. (Book tells a story an artist who roams the streets and creates graffiti. Good children's book.)
Abel, Ernest.
"The Handwriting on the Wall."
Greenwood Publishing Group. 1997. (Book reviews the racism that appears in Graffiti Art.)
Brommer, Gerald and George F. Horn.
"Art in Your World"
, 1985. 2nd Edition. Davis Publications, Inc. Worchester, Massachusetts. (Excellent classroom text that gives good references about lettering.)
Hunter, Sam (ed.)
Art Since 1945
. New York: Harry Abrams, Inc., 1958. (Good resource that gives a brief history of graffiti art.)
Belli, Gabriella, and Jerry Saltz.
"American Art of the 80's
. (Exhibition Catalogue.) Trento, Italy, 1991. (Excellent visual resource.)
Muller, George, and Keith Haring.
"Warhol-Basquiat: Collaborations
(exhibition catalogue) Paris: Didier Imbert Fine Art, 1989. (Reference that focuses on the graffiti of Basquiat and his collaboration with Andy Warhol.)
Gablik, Suzi. "Report from New York: The Graffiti Question."
Art in America
. 70 (October 1982), pp. 33-39.