Corbett, Scott.
. Four Winds Press, New York (1978). Discusses the history of bridges from ancient times to the present. It also discussed how various types of bridges were built. An excellent source on the history of bridges.
Kingston, Jeremy.
How Bridges Are Made
. Facts on File Publications, New York (1985). Not only does this book illustrates and describes the different types of bridges, it goes into detail about the materials that are used to make bridges. An excellent source for middle school students.
Levy, Matthys and Panchy, Richard.
Engineering the City: How Infrastructure Works
. Chicago Review Press, Illinois. This book contains an excellent chapter on bridge building and other engineering marvels. It also gives several creative angles to building all of the bridges presented in this paper.
MacGregor, Scott and Ann.
Bridges: A Project Book
. Pepper Press, Great Britain (1980). Discusses the history, use and construction of the three types of bridges presented in this paper. It also has hands-on projects to demonstrate the how these bridges carry their loads.
Sandak, Cass R.
. Franklin Watts, (1983). This book introduces all the various types of bridges and how they are constructed.
Sullivan, Helen and Sernoff, Linda.
Research Reports: A Guide for Middle and High School Students
. Milbrook Press, Connecticut (1996). A great student guide for writing research papers. It assists students in every stage of doing research from selecting a topic, researching and note taking to writing the bibliography.
Wilkinson, Phillip.
Super Structures
. D.K. Publishing, Inc. (1996). Includes a chapter that demonstrates the steps in building a cable stay bridge, excellently illustrated. It also describes and fully explains the terms related to the cable stay bridge.
Young, Edward M.
The Great Bridge: The Verrazano Narrows Bridge
. Farrar, Strauss and Giroux, Inc., London (1965). This book gives indept information about the building of the Verrazano Narrows Bridge. It goes into detail about the process of bridge building. An excellent source about suspension bridges.