Even so, I believe the brain benefits from music and physical activities by rousing the neural connections to enhance intellectual growth. Marian Diamond, a University of California at Berkeley neuroanatomist, commented on one of her studies "when we enrich the environment, we got brains with a thicker cortex, more dentritic branching, more growth spines and larger cell bodies. Neural connections and synaptic growth varies depending on activity given. Exercise from repeated motor learning, the brain develops greater density of blood vessels. Fredrick Goodwin, former director of the Institute of Mental Health stated, " there is now increasing understanding that the environment can affect you. You can't make a 70 IQ person into a 150 IQ person, but you can change their IQ measure in different ways, perhaps as much as 20 points up or down based on the environment".
Using distinctive music such as Mozart and other types to amplify motivation which as a result will stimulate certain chemicals in the body that heighten learning and blood flow. By making music as a primer to become encouraged to learn, these conditions should be established for greater success. There must be a purpose or assignment in mind. Secondly, the student should be exposed to a specific piece of music for at least ten minutes. And lastly, the assignment must be performed within five minutes of listening to the musical score. If you use a piece of music that makes you feel better, that's arousal. If you hear a piece of music before attempting a task and you perform subsequently better, that's the priming effect. It is worth experimenting with various types of music that may have a greater influence in enriching the learning environment Educators can then be able to recognize the value of utilizing music in promoting a positive learning environment.
This approach of student nurturing of the body and mind can be presented through physical activities that will explain brain functions and the learning process. Selecting physical activities that include vocabulary words relating to the neural connections and the brain, along with selected music that promotes arousal. In this way educators, can present a nurturing atmosphere second to none. Our educational process must continue to investigate new learning strategies so that educators can review innovative teaching approaches and utilize them to their field of expertise. If compelling evidence encourages the use of music throughout educational subjects, then it is imperative to share its value. The majority of educators lack knowledge about the brain and how neurotransmitters levels can be increased through music; therefore they lack the ability to articulate the possible connection of music and the value of the "Mozart Effect". This study presents new teaching strategies that incorporate music that creates a real paradigm shift of expanding learning. Educators with this new insight of brain research can augment their field of expertise. Not only physical educators will be able to present music in their classroom, but all educators else as well. By constructing a learning environment that can support learning, educators will nurture a child's growth.