This unit:
You Are What You Eat: How Food Quality Affects Your Health
to be used in my third grade class as a part of the Science and Social Studies curriculum. Presently the third grade curriculum emphasizes teaching our students about the community with a major emphasis on New Haven. I would also like to touch on two other broad objectives included in the 3rd grade curriculum in the unit: the purpose of local and national government, and citizenship, the responsibility of each individual to be active members of their communities. Along with these, I would like to include two science objectives: to make students aware of the principals of good nutrition, and the need for citizens to take the problems of the environment seriously.
The issue of food quality is one already impacting us and it is vital that students become aware of it. We continually read stories of dangers that exist in our food due to additives, improper food preparation and poor food choices. This unit does not seek to negate chips and Big Macs. It is safe to conclude that for most of my students major changes in their eating habits will be hard to make given our culture and society. However, they can be taught to make healthier choices. They can also begin to see that as responsible citizens it is possible for them to influence government into monitoring food quality more effectively.
The following is a brief outline of the unit objectives.
I. What do we eat and why?
A. Complete a food diary
B. Influences include culture, region, and religion
C. Corporate advertising
II. Why do we need food?
A. Food and water are necessities
B. Food provides nutrients to help the body function
1. Water, carbohydrates, fats, and proteins
2. Vitamins and minerals
C. Food Pyramid
III. Where does the community’s food supply come from?
1. Local farms
2. Farms within the U.S.
3. Foreign countries
IV. How does the farmer affect food quality?
A. Pesticide use
B. Growth enhancing chemicals
C. Water quality
V. How does manufacturer affect food quality?
A. Preservatives
B. Other Additives: Artificial flavors and colors, sugar
VI. How can we make better choices?
A. Nutritional diet
B. Read labels
C. Limit certain foods
VII. How can we improve food quality?
A. Be active citizens
B. Encourage the government to do more at all levels