One 40-minute class period.
Students will be able to draw conclusions from artwork and poetry, interpret tone, and make connections across artistic mediums.
Slides of
The Cane Harvest
, 1874, Victor Patricio de Landaluze, and
Fruit Gatherers
, 1887, Paul Gauguin, copies of poem
Debout! Joseph!
by Gilbert Gratiant.33
Do Now! / Faites Maintenant!:
Read the poem, using vocabulary notes. Write 2-3 sentences of your first reaction to the poem.
Listen to some of the reactions. Read poem dramatically for students.
Without discussion, project the slides, side by side. In silence, write this prompt:
What do you feel as you look at these 2 paintings, after having heard the poem?
Allow wait time; begin discussion. This may stump students, but stick with it, prodding towards engagement with the pieces. Guide students to compare and contrast paintings in terms of color, hue, mood, technique; how the poem does or does not fit in with one or both paintings. Call up assigned students to introduce each creator and work.34 Make sure notes are taken. Does it matter that Landaluze is Cuban, that Gauguin is French?
Read poem, line by line, one per person, with prompts to keep in proper tone.