This unit will address the following Language Arts standards for grades 9-12 as approved by the New Haven Board of Education.
Content Standard 1.0 Reading
- Students will given an initial personal reaction to text and describe its general content and purpose.
- Students will make comparisons between texts.
- Students will construct an interpretation and/or explanation of text.
- Students will describe the text-initial reaction, description of content and purpose.
- Students will interpret the text - construct interpretation and/or explanation of the text and connect text to outside knowledge.
- Students will move beyond the text - reflect, make judgments about its quality and meaning.
- Students will construct meaning through analyzing, elaborating, and responding critically.
Content Standard 2.0 Writing
- Students will demonstrate successful writing behaviors.
- Students will write to define, clarity and develop ideas and express creatively.
- Students will demonstrate effective use of the writing process: pre-writing, drafting, revising, editing and publishing.
- Students will reflect, use feedback and assessments and confer with others to plan for improvement.
- Students will establish a purpose for writing.
- Students will determine and plan for a specific audience.
- Students will establish tone, theme, point of view, and type of writing.
- Students will use graphic organizers, take notes, select and synthesize relevant information and plan text sequence.
Content Standard 6.0 English/Integrated Language Arts
- Students will explain how literature represents, recreates and explores human experiences through language and imagination.
- Students will write observations and descriptions.
- Students will create, critique and discuss texts in verbal and written format.
- Students will view concepts and issues form diverse perspective.