It should be noted that as of July 31, 2006, the New Haven Public Schools was revising all of its socials studies curriculum standards.
Performance Standard Two: Students will understand how location, place, human/environment interaction, movement and regions are intertwined through a study of Latin America and the Caribbean.
2.4 - Students will use Cuba, Puerto Rico, Brazil and Mexico as case studies to identify aspects of their history and connect them to the present day political and social conditions of those countries.
Students will evaluate the impact of immigration and the Industrial Revolution on the changing cultural landscape of the United States.
While this unit may not directly address the issues of European immigration in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries, I hope that it can provide a window into that set of circumstances through a comparison of European immigration with contemporary Latino immigration. One way of doing this could be by opening up the subjects of the oral histories to African-American and European subjects who could provide a slightly different story than that of the Latino interview subjects.