Karen A. Beitler
This unit will transverse human systems, diffusion of drugs through a system, treatment of disease, new techniques in drug delivery and career paths. The lessons are designed to enhance prior knowledge of human systems, disease and treatment of disease and careers in biomedical technology. Depending on the level of student, this unit will take approximately five weeks to complete. Some activities are intentially left with brief guidelines so as to encourage student inquiry and research. The culminating paper is a short research paper that explores the career of someone in the biomedical engineering field. The project is designed in a student research and exploratory format.
LP 1:
Definitions & Review of Human Systems ppt - 2 weeks
The first week is spent in review of the human body systems and general discussion of disease and how it could affect a human body system. A power point is presented to the class and each system is discussed with the students. Students will review body systems on their own through a webquest and create their own 7-slide power point. After all students review each other's slide. Week 2 - students will view a Teacher demonstration of gel electrophoresis and complete a lab activity showing how fast molecules can move through "holes" in a membrane.
Lab Activity 1 : How particles move (see Appendix A)
LP 2: Review of diffusion; Present definitions and types of Diffusion - 1 week
Teacher lecture and discussion : Introduction; Drug delivery systems
Student Research: How medication is given, how molecules travel
Demonstrations; air freshener; potassium permaganate in 3 temp of water; grow a
sponge animal
Lab Activity 2: Diffusion and Transdermal Patches
LP 3: Review of osmosis; Comparison of drug delivery systems- 1 week
Teacher lecture & discussion: Hydophobic vs. hydrophylic; Membranes and
Student research: Angioplasty
Lab Activity 3 - Drug Delivery inside the heart (see Appendix A)
LP 4: Biomedical Technology; What is it and what does it do? -- 1 week
Lecture & discussion; Biomedical techniques and Drug delivery systems
Student Activity: Web research, citations and presentations
Lab Activity 4 - Webquest in Biotechnology
Biotechnology: http://www.biotechnologyonline.gov.au/
Biotech regulation :http://www.morst.govt.nz/wayfinder/
LP 5: Careers and Biomedical in Biotechnology engineering -- 1 week
Lecture & discussion; Career choices in Biomedical in Biotechnology engineering
Lab Activity 5 - Careers and Research in Biotechnology and Biomedical Engineering (see Appendix A)