A. Forming a General Understanding - Developing Background information
1 To select and use relevant information from the text in order to summarize events
2 and/or ideas in the text.
3 To use information from the text to make prediction based on what is read.
4 To use context clues to determine meanings of unknown/multiple meaning words.
B. Developing an Interpretation
1 To identify or infer the author's use of structure/ organizational patterns.
2 To use stated or implied evidence from the text to draw and support conclusions.
C. Connecting and Responding
1 To make connections between the text and personal experiences and knowledge.
2 To select, synthesize and use relevant information in a personal response to the text
D. Connecting Structure and Content
1 To analyze and evaluate the author's craft, including the use of literary devices and textual elements
2 To select, synthesize, and use relevant information within a written work to extend or evaluate work.
3 Demonstrate awareness of the author's customs and beliefs included in the text.