Berger, John.
Ways of Seeing.
London: British Broadcasting Company, 1972. Insightful book on art appreciation based on the BBC series of the same name.
Caldwell, Helen and Blaine H. Moore. The Art of Writing: Drawing as Preparation for Narrative Writing in the Primary Grades,
Studies in Art Education
, 32, no. 4 (1991). Details the study of effectiveness of drawing as a planning activity for writing.
Calkins, Lucy.
The Art of Teaching Writing
. Portsmouth, N.H.: Heinemann, 1986. Foremost guide for current methods for teaching writing in elementary schools.
Dyson, Anne Haas. "Transitions and Tensions: Interrelationships between the Drawing, Talking, and Dictating of Young Children."
Research in the Teaching of English
20, no. 4 (1986): 379-409.
Edwards, Betty.
Drawing on the Right Side of the Brain: A Course in Enhancing Creativity and Artistic Confidence
. Los Angeles: J. P. Tarcher, 1979. Brain research explains how anyone can draw more accurately and creatively
Fletcher, Ralph and Joanne Portalupi.
Craft Lessons.
Portland, Maine: Stenhouse, 2007. First section of this book is very useful for primary writing teachers.
Graves, Donald H.
A Fresh Look at Writing
. Portsmouth, N.H.: Heinemann , 1994. Examines portfolios, record keeping, methods for teaching conventions, spelling, and several genre including fiction, poetry, and nonfiction and shows the importance of writing along with the students.
Hommel, Maggie, Ben Riegler, and Kimberly Ulrich.
Expanding the Definition of Literacy,
Retrieved May 28, 2011, from
McQuade, Donald, and Christine McQuade.
Seeing & Writing 4
. Boston: Bedford/St. Martin's, 2010. Visual and verbal texts are used for writing exercises with many examples of how to connect the two components of writing.
Millais, William Henry.
Hayes Common,
Oil on Canvas, 1853. Yale Center for British Art, New Haven, CT.
Moline, Steve
I See What You Mean: Children at Work with Visual Information
. Portland, Maine: Stenhouse Publishers, 1995. Illustrates through many examples how students learn better with visual information.
Morrow, Lesley Mandel.
Literacy Development in the Early Years.
ed. Boston: Allyn and Bacon, 2009. This book emphasizes both constructivist and explicit strategies for teaching literacy to young children within an integrated language arts approach.
Olshansky, Beth."Artists/Writers Workshop: Focusing on the Art of Writing."
Language Arts
83, no. 6 (2006): 522-23. Reflective article on Artists/Writers Workshop including photos and students' comments.
Stokes, Suzanne. "Visual Literacy in Teaching and Learning: A Literature Perspective,
Electronic Journal of the Integration o f Technology in Education
1, no 1 (2002) Retrieved May 28, 2011, from Research showing the positive effects visual skills on students' learning in rading, writing and mathematics.
Tooley, Sally Helene. "The Art in Teaching Writing"
Masters Theses & Specialist Projects
. Paper 83 (2009). Research highlights the use of visuals and drawing as effective instructional tools in teaching writing.
Tufte, Edward R.
Visual explanations: Images and Quantities, Evidence and Narrative
. Cheshire, Connecticut: Graphics Press, 1997. Beautiful and intriguing book filled with charts, graphs, drawings and other images that help explain various events throughout time and space.