8 Mile
. Dir. Curtis Hanson. Perf. Eminem, Kim Basinger, Mekhi Phifer. Universal Studios, 2002. DVD. This movie offers great clips on rap battles, much like poetry slams. Bradley, Adam.
Book of Rhymes: The Poetics of Hip Hop
. New York, NY: Basic Civitas Books, 2009. Print. The craft of hip hop is explored. Various hip hop artists' songs are included in this text and all the creative poetic elements found within the lyrics are highlighted. A great teaching tool.
Bradley, Adam, and Andrew DuBois.
The Anthology of Rap
. New Haven: Yale University Press, 2010. Print. This anthology is made up of rap lyrics as poetry from various artists. The anthology is set up in historical fashion, for the very firsts rap lyrics are from the very beginning of rap and the anthology ends with rap lyrics from current time.
Brave New Voices
. Simmons, Russell, and Stan Lathan. HBO. 2009. Television. A television series, which includes poetry slams and poetry performances is a great place to see young adults write poetry and perform it in a powerful, emotional way.
"Classic Poetry Series."
. N.p., n.d. Web. 11 Apr. 2011. www.poemhunter.com/i/ebooks/pdf/langston_hughes_2004_9.pdf. Some of Langston Hughes's poetry is made assessable on this website.
"Famous African American writers, famous black poems, famous black poets, famous black poetry, famous African American authors, Welcome to Mr. Africa Famous Black Poetry Lounge."
Black Poetry, Black Poets, Black Poems, Black Poetry, African American Poetry, African American Poems, Def Poetry, African American Poets, Def Jam Poetry, Black Writer, Black Author, Ghetto Love Poem, Urban Poetry, Spoken Word, Hip Hop Poetry, Friendship
. N.p., n.d. Web. 11 Apr. 2011. http://www.ctadams.com/famous1.html. Some of America's famous black poets' work is made assessable on this website.
Giovanni, Nikki.
The 100 best African American poems: (*but I cheated)
. Naperville, Ill.: Sourcebooks MediaFusion, 2010. Print. Within this piece, poems from Langston Hughes, Nikki Giovanni, Kevin Young, and others are found. It is a great place to find some of America's favorite and most touching African American poets' poems.
Shakur, Tupac. "In The Event of My Demise."
The Rose That Grew From Concrete
. New York: Pocket Books, 1999. 150. Print. A poem, which offers a great opportunity to examine the poetic element of irony.
Shakur, Tupac.
The Rose that Grew from Concrete
. New York: Pocket Books, 1999. Print. This book is full of Tupac's memorable poems. On one side of the book, Tupac's handwritten poems are copied and on the other side the poems are typed, so reading them is made easier.
Lupe Fiasco. "Dumb It Down,"
Lupe Fiasco's The Cool,
2007, 1
and 15
Atlanta. A rap song, which offers a great opportunity to examine the poetic elements in rap lyrics.
. Dir. Marc Levin. Perf. Saul Williams, Sonja Sohn, Bonz Malone. Lions Gate, 1998. DVD. A movie about the power of poetry. Great for showing specific clips that deal with writing and performing poetry.
Slam Nation: The Sport of Spoken Word
. Dir. Paul Devlin. Perf. Mychele Dee, Craig Mums Grant, Taylor Mali. New Video Group, 1998. DVD. This movie has great poetry slam clips.
Souls of Mischief. "Disseshowedo,"
93 Til Infinity,
1993, Jive Records. A rap song, which offers a great opportunity to examine the poetic elements in rap lyrics.
Young, Kevin, Poetry, "Expecting,"
The New Yorker
, January 3, 2011, p. 42 A poem, which offers a great opportunity to example the poetic element of wordplay.
YouTube - Broadcast Yourself. N.p., n.d. Web. 24 July 2011. http://youtube.com A place to watch various clips.