Laura J. Namnoum
This unit is in accordance with the Connecticut State Standards and New Haven Standards. Students must be exposed to a variety of literature and have opportunities to respond in literal, critical, and evaluative ways. Students will listen and speak to communicate ideas clearly. Students will express, develop, and substantiate ideas through their own writing and artistic and technical presentations. This unit is designed to meet the following state standards: (reading) 1.2 Students interpret, analyze and evaluate text in order to extend understanding and appreciation. 2.1 Students recognize how literary devices and conventions engage the reader. 3.1 Students use descriptive, narrative, expository, persuasive and poetic modules. (writing) 3.2 Students prepare, publish and/or present work appropriate to audience, purpose and task. 4.3 Students use standard English for composing and revising written text. This unit will also assist with Connecticut Mastery Tests standards: B1 Identify or infer the author's use of structure/organizational patterns. B3 Use stated or implied evidence from the text to draw and/or support a conclusion. C2 Select, synthesize and/or use relevant information within the text to write a personal response to the text. D1 Analyze and evaluate the author's craft including use of literary devices and textual elements. D2 Select, synthesize and/or use relevant information within the texts to extend or evaluate the texts.