My unit will focus on how students can help the sea animals, which they all care about. As a class we will focus on researching the sea animals that live in the ocean and their purpose to the oceans environment. We will then research about recycling and the importance and the effects it has on the sea animals. Questions that students will reflect and discuss will be; What can they do to help save and protect the sea animals by recycling? What items that they use are plastic that can be recycled? How do they recycle and where to begin? What can they do to impact the oceans environment and save the habitats? My lessons will be aligned with the Connecticut Common Core Standards for reading, writing and science.
As a result, students will be able to write an expository writing piece on the importance of recycling to help protect the sea animals. With the information the students gained from the lesson they will be able to describe and explain what is recycling and how it impacts the oceans environment. They will show what they have learned through conversations, drawings and writing activities. Students will be able to brainstorm and write about facts that they have learned throughout the unit.