Scores of 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, or 1 will be applied based on the following criteria:
6 = exemplary: student has included an engaging beginning, sentences are extremely constructed, organization, elaboration, and fluency are well-developed; overall storyline is exceptionally well defined
5 = very good: student has included an engaging beginning; sentences are very well constructed; organization, elaboration, and fluency are evident; overall storyline is well defined.
4 = good: student has included a descriptive beginning; sentences are generally descriptive but inconsistent throughout; organization, elaboration, and fluency are conveyed.
3 = satisfactory: student has included a simple beginning, middle, and end; sentences are minimally descriptive but are generally well-constructed; some organization and fluency are evident
2 = revisit this effort: student has not included the beginning, middle, and/or end; sentences are minimally descriptive and are unorganized; fluency is minimally evident; storyline is vague
1 = revisit this effort: no basic storyline is conveyed